Friday, February 16, 2018

Poetry Portfolio part one is DUE Thurs. Feb 22 - scoring guide attached

Rands Grade 10                                        Complete Poetry Portfolio DUE: March 1, 2018

Homework due Feb. 20:
          Finish writing your  5 paragraph essay on GOOGLE DOCS = access it anywhere:
          Entitle it:  “Comparative Essay on “……..” by _____ and “…..” by _______.
          Add  Historicist Critiques to the same document for each poet:
          Entitle each just by the name of the poet and dates
          Paragraph One:  mini biography of poet #1
          Paragraph Two:  brief information about the times of the poet and poem
          Repeat for Poet #2
          Add the two poems that you compared to the TOP of the document
          (Before the comparative essay)
          Find two more poems – type up and add to the end of the document.
          By authors listed in blue packet. 
          Same theme as your two poems or different theme, if you wish.

          ADD page numbers to the FOOTER

Part 1: Submit "hard copy" - printed out in final form:  Due. Thursday, Feb. 22

You will add your original written poems, create a cover, cover page, preface and table of contents.  All will be due on March 1, 2018 in a portfolio packet.
Worth 50 points:  See scoring guide:

Name:                                                                       Period:                                   Date Due:    Mar. 1
Poetry Portfolio:

Cover Page includes a proper heading: Title, Name, Class-Period, Date

Has all required components in order: cover/table of contents/preface/(3)
2 poems same theme/comparison essay/poet bios – critique X2/ (3)
2 poems of choice, and 4 poems written by you. (6)

Binding/Cover and presentation is attractive (illustrations optional)

Comparative Essay: parts and content
I. Intro: poet names, titles of poets, era of writing/general theme (4)
II. Structure: Topic sentence/poet #1/poet #2 /closure or transition (4)
III. Poetic Devices: Topic sentence/poet #1/poet #2/ closure or transition (4)
IV. Meaning: Topic sentence/poet #1/poet #2/closure or transition (4)
V. Conclusion: Tie it together and/or connect to the reader (4)

Conventions: Quotes/excerpts:  integrated and cited within document (1)
Caps/Punctuation/Spelling (3)

Historicist Critique: 2 poet bios; explain how the times/era of poetry may have influenced the author is writing the poem the way he did.

4 creative poems written by you




Thursday, February 1, 2018

Poetry Out Loud Contest and website

Poetry Out Loud
What is it?  A contest
When is it? Feb. 14 after school at West Salem High School
What do I do to prepare? 
Read through 10 poems on the website and choose 3.
Write why you chose those three.
Now narrow it down to two.
Memorize those two poems in order to compete.
Or just memorize one poem and be a participant.
There is scholarship money available – and there might be some extra creditJ

Most importantly:
 It will be a positive experience that you will want to repeat each year.